Saturday, November 17, 2007

Rejects Rejoice!

Gag cartoonists... have you ever felt down after getting the short end (or sharp point) of the editorial stick?

Cartoonist Matthew Diffee feels your pain (or perhaps your indigestion... if you're an elephant). Over the course of eight years, Matthew Diffee has had more than 100 of his illustrations published in the cartoonists' bible, The New Yorker. But that magazine gets more than 500 submissions a week — and for each issue, the editors select only 20 cartoons, in a process that Diffee says may or may not involve the use of darts.

So even Diffee has had to deal with rejection. Happily, he's found a channel: His new book, featuring his own work and that of 37 other New Yorker regulars, is The Rejection Collection, Vol. 2: The Cream of the Crap.

Listen to Mr. Diffee's interview on NPR's Fresh Air and feel the cartoon love (and rejection).

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